CMU School of Drama

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Will 3D Printing Change the World? Video

Geekosystem: 3D printing is most certainly going to have a profound effect on the way we do business going forward, but will it actually change that world? That’s the question asked by PBS Off Book‘s latest video. They look at what can be accomplished in the future when it comes to 3D printing, and even what’s already been done. It’s a brave new world in a lot of ways, and we’re only just getting a real glimpse of the horizon.


K G said...

After talking a lot about 3D printing in scenic fab, I still think it's fairly revolutionary, but I don't know if it's changing the world - at least anytime soon. Nothing is getting done any fast or more easily because of it. The process of preparing something to 3D print is still a long one, and acquiring the correct materials can be expensive. They are in the process of making a printer that is very affordable to consumers, no more than the price of a regular printer. There is already one on the market which only costs several hundred dollars, and has some better specs than one that costs much more. So, yes, the technology is becoming more available, but that doesn't make it immediately practical. I can't think of much that would be easier to 3D print than the way it is currently produced. It may make a cool effect for some stage elements. They have already 3D printed a car, which is awesome, but part of me wonders if they only did it because they could. Cool, but potentially less transformative than one would hope.

jgutierrez said...

I would have to agree with Kassondra that 3D printing isn't changing the world quite yet. It would need to be happening on a faster and more accessible scale. I don't have any doubts though that 3D printing could have a very big impact on the economy as the video suggested. Companies that are big on manufacturing would indeed need to work with 3D printers on copyrights and things of that nature. But if they work together the right way, things could be much more affordable for everyone, like the stroller example for instance. I look forward to seeing if making the printer something available to the average joe would really make things easier, or just cause alot of manufacturing companies to go under.

Akiva said...

This video is a really great explanation of 3D printing and all of it's potential. The part at the end about uses for 3D printing things other then plastic was really new to me. This tool really looks like it could change the world in ways we can't even see yet. The section on copy rite law was also very interesting to me. I think that the example of how the music industry faced a similar problem is a great parallel. I think that the more people (and schools) start to learn about 3D printing and use it in everyday life the better the odds will be that the large company's that feel threatened will not try to take these tools away though new laws.

Jason Lewis said...

This scares me, but in the best way possible. I would agree with those who have commented before me that 3d printing hasn't changed the world yet, but let me tell you, it will. It's crazy to see the things they are doing. Last week I saw a dress that was 3d printed, but now I see that they have used it to recreate food and possibly organs? That's insane! It absolutely blows my mind! I can see how problems will occur, but I love how it protects artists' work. This new technology will definitely make an impact on the world and I really don't think the world even knows what's to come. This is astounding and I can't wait to see where this goes as it develops and begins to affect our every day lives.