CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Some Free New Aids To Research, Create And Document Theatrical Lighting Design

Rosco Spectrum: Theatrical lighting design can be the most rewarding and satisfying of professions. And both satisfaction and reward are multiplied when you use the newly available electronic tools to research, create and document your work. Two of these tools – or “apps” — have the added benefit of being FREE, and available from the Rosco web site.


Emma Present said...

This sounds like way too much fun. I can already get lost in swatch books so easily, it must be a whole new level of excitement to have so many resources all interconnected at your fingertips. To be able to simply click on a color and follow it to other designers and shows to see how other people use it and find new inspiration for your current project sounds like a fantastic idea. I will definitely be looking into both of these apps in the near future, and discovering all that they have to offer.

simone.zwaren said...

YESSSSSS. I need to spend hours of my life playing with this. I really love when companies like rosco put out applications that are directly useful to designing, especially because processes like picking colors can take a really, really, REALLY long time. The more resources a designer has to look at colors, the loner it might take but the more realistic and accurate a designer can be. Nothing is worse then ordering a lot of one color and then realizing it looks nothing like it did with a flashlight and the renderings; a.k.a. crap.