CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 19, 2012

This Is What Dresses Are Called Do you know what Blouson is? No? Get ready, I am about to drop some knowledge on you.


kerryhennessy said...

I really enjoy these strait forward here are the facts type of articles. They tell you what you need to know in a very efficient way. I knew some of the names for the styles before but some like blouson I have not heard of before and I found it very interesting to learn the actual names of thing. The pictures were also very helpful because most of the time when someone is trying to tell you what one of these styles are you are picturing it in your mind and you’re never sure if what you are thinking about is really what it is.

njwisniewski said...

I also agree that I enjoy articles like this, I gained so much just from looking, instead of grazing through articles that all seem to be the same. I like the illustrations also and because of them, I can identify so much more and remember so much greater. I did not know what a sheath dress is- but now I do! Simple guidelines make so much bigger a difference in remembering and recalling information, and I think this was a great, simple illustration that might be overlooked but if read is super handy!

ZoeW said...

I disagree with what this guy has to say about knowing your dresses! As a women it is really important to assess what dresses look good your body, because the wrong type of dress can just be horrible. For instance, I know that I look horrible in a yoke, and empire can be really good for me. Also as a costume designer just knowing what shapes exist important. I should take something like this shopping for all clothing.

Anonymous said...

I am taking History of Clothing with Barbara right now and a lot of these terms are starting to come up as we move further along in history and closer to the present day. It's really interesting how long some version of all of these dresses (and other garments that we wear every day now) have been around. I agree with Zoe that this is useful information! Chances are a salesperson in the dress department at a department store will know some of these terms, and it will only make your shopping experience easier and faster if you can describe what you are looking for with more detail! Also, in the entertainment industry, this information is especially useful if you're working as or with a costume designer. All dresses are not made equal, and I'm glad to know the difference in dress styles more clearly know.

skpollac said...

Thank you for this!!! Its surprising how often I refer to dresses, but don't know what style they are. This is a very clean and easy to read chart detailing the main style of dresses seen today. There were some styles that I had heard and thought I knew what they were but it turns out, I was wrong!

ranerenshaw said...

Now I know what a Blouson is. Congratulations teaser sentence.. you sucked me into the article. This week is also Disney's endorsed "Princess Week" so I paid particular attention to the Princess style dress. I do not think this will ever come in immediate help to me when I am out shopping for myself - unless I have an interesting mid life crisis, or I get sucked into participating in one of our may drag shows - but it is interesting knowing the details that the costume world has that they all know about versus the matter of detail in fields I am familiar with. Besides - that is what CMU is about right? Cross Disciplinary development? Either way, interesting knowledge... I am glad it got dropped on me.