CMU School of Drama

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Theater awards put student performers in the spotlight

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Students who excel at spelling or know how to argue have long enjoyed annual recognition through the National Spelling Bee or the National Debate Tournament. But, it wasn't until 2009 that the National High School Musical Theater Awards focused the spotlight on high-school musical-theater performers. Established by the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera and Nederlander Alliances LLC, the annual awards show, known informally as the Jimmys, takes place in June.


ranerenshaw said...

High School Theatre competitions are great. In Texas we have the UIL One Act Play contest. It is probably the stupidest thing I have ever done, but at the same time... the greatest. Plays from all over the state participate in the competition and one single judge is allowed to determine what is good and what isnt. Sounds like art right? As stupid as it is... it defines a high school theatre teacher in Texas. If you are not performing in One Act Play - you either improve or get replaced. Students get awards based on performances, schools get plaques based on how far they advance, and teachers get raises on how often they win. The hype is addicting... Parents will continue to watch schools come and do their 7-40-7 years after their student graduates. All to say that at least there is some form of theatrical recognition in High School - as stupid as it is. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I just know that it is stupid as well. I am glad that more organizations are chipping in to highlight rising generations and their talents!

AJ C. said...

Its great to know that pittsburgh has such a big place in theatre in high schools, and that it is our local organizations that are sponsoring and promoting the arts in high schools. Seeing how many individuals get to take part in these awards and competitions is fascinating. Its surprising that so many students in pittsburgh have the talent, love theater and go on to many other things. Not only do they do other things, but they say how theatre will always be a part of their life, and how it has also given them confidence and something more. Maybe doing theatre all the time isn't what they want, but the fact they experienced it opens up their eyes a little more.