CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

CMU grads put imagination on the moon in Disney competition

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Three Carnegie Mellon University grads who as kids dreamt of becoming astronauts will get the chance to lead an expedition on the moon, sort of. Ping Li, Franz Mendonsa and Michael Honeck will be in Glendale, Calif., this week to pitch their concept of what life on the moon in 3011 would be like to a roomful of judges as part of Walt Disney Imagineering's 21st ImagiNations Design competition. Their team is one of six finalists who were given the challenge of "imagineering" what a Disney entertainment complex on the moon would look like 999 years from now. Some 130 teams from through the United States competed.


Timothy Sutter said...

I have heard of this competition before and I think that it is great that CMU students are a part of it. One thing I love about the Disney Corporation is that it works so hard to encourage and develope the nexts generation's mind into creating new and inovative things. This particular project is perhaps the most exciting I've heard of yet. Because not only to the student have to take into account the technological advancements, but also the cultural advancements when creating the world. Now, while I may be a bit bias to Disney Parks, I think that thinking of ideas for a Disneyland Moon is a specatular idea. And I can't wait to be a cast member there.

DPswag said...

This is an incredible idea for the Imagineers, and these CMU students seem like they're completely ready to partake in this event. It boggles my mind as to how someone could manipulate technology in a way that makes it interactive, and in a way that makes it real enough to fit the Disney Imagineer aesthetic. Their journey to this competition reminds me of how Randy Pausch wanted to walk on the moon, but got to participate in a simulation instead. I feel like these CMU grads are taking that experience one step further, and making that dream come true for what could be millions of people.

Anonymous said...

I am constantly amazed and humbled by the incredible talents of people from this school. Not only do these three alumni have the technical/scientific knowledge to make this sort of thing happen, but they also have huge imaginations to go along with it. What a fun concept they have come up with! Also, what a fun contest for Disney to hold! This is a very unique way to seek out talented, creative potential employees, but it's Disney so I wouldn't expect anything less. I have been to Disneyland countless times and enjoyed the products of the hard-work of the talented Imagineers such as the ones that these CMU students may one day become. As corny as it seems, those products made my childhood so much brighter and gave me the hope that maybe this world isn't so bad, after all.

kerryhennessy said...

This sounds like a wonderful project to work on. I always appreciate how Disney tries to help cultivate the creative minds of tomorrow. I think that it would be very interesting to see their presentation I find the idea of interactive moon dust art extremely compelling. Now that they have presented I would like to know what the results of this competition.