CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 09, 2012

CLO Cabaret gets sassy with 'Ruthless'

post-gazette: The final scene of "Ruthless! The Musical" is so brazenly depraved, you probably should know about it in advance, but that would be like giving away the big reveal of "The Sixth Sense." So, for those of you who would be easily offended by a wicked child gone wild, consider yourself warned. For those of you who think a comedic bad seed could be a hoot, the joys of "Ruthless" are in the details of its demented characters, twisted lyrics, bouncy tunes and over-the-top satire of a show-biz family gone terribly wrong. The new show at the CLO Cabaret takes you to the edge of "they won't go there," and then it goes there.

1 comment:

K G said...

I am glad to see this theatre stepping out of their comfort zone. With plays and musicals which usually appeal to audiences of all ages, it is interesting to see them grasping for something just a shade darker. Although this seems to have enough lighthearted, comedic elements to remain of interest to a wide range of ticket holders - Ruthless! is an unusual choice. This article does put in an additional hook, by raving about the ending of the production but never quite giving it away. IT is great of the CLO to give young performers a chance to practice their art, and even better that they are become more varied in the types of performances they produce.