CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

What Fuels Your Productivity: Your Calendar or To-Do List?

Lifehacker: "When it comes to organizing your life, two schools of thought dominate: One says you should rely on a to-do list to stay on top of things; the other maintains the key to getting things done relies on a calendar."

1 comment:

Ariel Beach-Westmoreland said...

Both. Definitely both. Calendars help you see the big picture, but to-do lists help you get those projects done by breaking up the tasks. What I do is write down everything I need to do each day on my calendar and then star the tasks that I absolutely need to work on that night. I switch off from task to task and the next day I either continue working on those pertinent projects that I didn't finish the night before or start new projects. Using a calendar helps you understand which projects need to be done sooner rather than later and how to space out the tasks.