CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Project Gustav: Microsoft Research Updates MS Paint In a Huge Way

Gizmodo: "MS Paint may be beloved but it's also the butt of plenty of jokes about art skill. Project Gustav is Microsoft Research's answer: An artist-friendly GPU-intense multitouch-and-Wacom-tablet-based natural painting program."

1 comment:

Robert said...

This seems like a great program that they have developed and works great. I would like to get my hands on this program and see if it works as easy as they say it does. I am not that good of painter, I wonder if this program would help me be a better painter. It is cool the way that it works with the touch screen. It would be cool if they made this work on the Ipod. I don’t think that we will see it on the Ipod until it can work with a pen. The fact that this is a Microsoft program would be nice if this could work on all platforms.