CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Carnegie Mellon Actor Senior Showcase Performances THIS FRIDAY!

CMU Drama School Blog - "Before they were stars they were the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama class of 2010. Join the School of Drama for two select performances of the actor's Senior Showcase 2010!"

1 comment:

Sonia said...

I was privelged enough to be able to make it to the thursday viewing of the Actor's Showcase in the Rauh. Being a freshman I obviously hadnt seen any of the past showcases. I was blown away. I mean, Ive known that the talent that exists at CMU is absolutley impressive, but I was still shocked when I saw their performances. In some of them I became involved so quickly in a dialouge that only lasts a few minutes. I also found it intersesting what Don was saying about how there are already 300 attendees for this showcase and he went to one recently where there were only 30. I hope that it went well for our seniors and cant wait to see next years showcase