CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Bogus trend story of the week: The Wall Street Journal discovers a zillion playwrights writing for TV!

Slate Magazine: "The Wall Street Journal takes bogus trend story of the week honors with its Feb. 26 piece 'The Teleplay's the Thing: A Growing Number of Top Playwrights Are Migrating to TV.' After noting in the fifth paragraph that playwrights such as David Mamet and Theresa Rebeck 'have found a second home on TV before,' the Journal makes this sweeping statement:
But some in the TV world say that the traffic [of writers] from stage to TV has never been heavier than it is now—a result, in part, of the rise of more cable shows with literary aspirations and a TV marketplace that puts a premium on writers with original voices."

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