CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spring Course

99- 234 Environment Today: Water and Energy

3.0 units

The "Environment Today" is a new course being offered at CMU this spring that will bring students together for three days to discuss real-world environmental problems and solutions that will face our planet for generations to come.

The 3-unit course will be a weekend course from Friday, March 26 to Sunday, March 28. The meeting times will be Friday 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm / Saturday 8:30 am - 6:30 pm / Sunday 8:30 am - 1:00 pm.

The themes will be 'Water' and 'Energy.' The course will provide students with an understanding of environmental problems from a variety of perspectives. Problems will be discussed by professors and professionals with a range of backgrounds. The course should give students an understanding of the economic, cultural, and technological limitations that are preventing solutions to water and energy problems from being widely implemented, and an understanding of the economic, social, and technological potential to address these problems.

See more details here:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of the things that I really love about CMU is there ever-changing courses and curriculum, from the modern and interesting stu-cos like sneakerology to classes like waffleshop, its great to see a school that has really progressive courses that not only cater to addressing the issues of our current time but generate genuine excitement and interest in students. I think its really cool that we are having a course dedicated to addressing the environmental problems we are having right now not only because its pertinent to our time but because 18-24 year olds are statistically proven to be the most wasteful and un-green age group. Its also really cool that they are bringing a range of professionals to speak, because we often get a lot of guest lecturers who are really great and it would be awesome to have that as a class.