CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

5 Websites To Make You A GIMP Ninja

MakeUseOf: "Are you into photo editing and image manipulation? If that’s a ‘yes’ then I’m sure you’ve heard of the GNU Image Manipulation Program, codename GIMP. The GIMP photo editor is a free and light alternative to Adobe Photoshop and is very capable of handling all of your image processing needs. If you’ve mastered MS Paint and don’t have deep enough pockets for Photoshop, GIMP is for you."


Ethan Weil said...

Tutorials like these are really helpful for amature users like me. I like gimp because it's open, but unfortunately, it's hard to find classes or books about it like there are for photoshop. People are starting to realize though that part of the formula for community-developed software has to be community-delevoped instruction and support. With enough research, I've yet to need a function that I couldn't learn about in GIMP, it just sometimes takes a lot of searching.

Naomi Eduardo said...

I've used a lot of programs like this for quick things on the go when I haven't had time to get to a computer with photoshop. For freelancers in our field this is a key thing to know about even in word processing. With all the searching we do on the internet, and the plethora of programs available for things we need to do with our lives. Ethan is right that sometimes getting through the tasking and processes is difficult because there isn't a manual, but with all the searching we do for weird things, it's never THAT hard to find what you need if you know how to use google.