CMU School of Drama

Monday, December 07, 2009

How to Never Be Late For Work or Anything Again

WebWorkerDaily: "I hate to be late. If I’m driving to a business meeting and get stuck in traffic, I whip myself into a frenzy, imagining the person on the other end checking their watch every two minutes and cursing me for having such little regard for their time."

1 comment:

Tom Strong said...

Interesting - the author seems to have rediscovered the need to actually figure out how long it takes to do something in order to then schedule its start to make sure it's finished on time. I would hope that would be something that is common sense to almost everyone, but I suppose that, just like the reminder for freelancers to keep an eye on what they have posted online for all to see, it's something that is good to put in front of people now and then in the hopes that they will actually remember it.