CMU School of Drama

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Stage: Tough acts to follow: Recalling fine theater

Post Gazette: "Whatever we call the decade that comes to an end Thursday, the duty it poses is clear: picking 10 memorable stage productions. It's hard enough to do the yearly lists, but the difficulty ratchets up at the end of a decade. Definition is all, so I'll say what I have before: This is frankly a personal list of what's most memorable, the shows that have stayed with me most vividly out of the more than 1,700 reviewed in Western Pennsylvania in the decade."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also really enjoyed our production of The Oresteia. Its one of the most memorable pieces I can think of when reflecting of the productions we have done at CMU. I think that everyone had specific parts of it that they found special, and by presenting a range of performance styles withing the piece, the audience was able to attach to more specifics. I would be interested to see what other CMU productions they were mentioning at the end