CMU School of Drama

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Japanese Actors to Face Drug Testing

Backstage: "Industry backlash against a recent spate of drug scandals in the entertainment world has begun as talent agency Stardust Promotions announced its intentions to administer 'voluntary' drug tests to its talent."


C. Ammerman said...

This article gives the drug tests a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" angle that I don't think is going to work out well for Japanese entertainment. One one hand, you can take the drug test and there's a chance you come back positive for something. On the other hand you can not take the drug test, and regardless of whether or not you do in fact use drugs, you suddenly fall under mass suspicion. The idea of just making the tests voluntary is just a way of making it seem like everyone agrees with this idea.

Robert said...

this article make me wont to say that the United sates would have mandatory drug testing for people in the entreatment industry and that people that work in the field should not work with drugs in there system at any time. it is so dune for people that work on show to be on drugs the theater is already dangerous enough we work dangous enough things. we should just keep it a safe environment to work in and try to make it safe. so i think that the united states entreatment industry should instate mandatory drug testing.

Addis said...

Congrats to Japan's entertainment industry for wanting to crack down on the drug problem. Most of Hollywood will turn a blind eye until it affects their work. I sense that this is only the beginning to drug regulations in the business for Japan. They mere fact that when they found one of their stars doing drugs they pulled their products from the stores should forecast thing coming climate. I am amazed at their moxy and excited to see this example spread as far as the United States news. Japan and U.S. Entertainment companies do a lot of business together and I think this new movement will greatly affect the working relationship in the future and hopefully soon trickle over to Hollywood. Doubtful, but you got to be optimistic