CMU School of Drama

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Culture clash

The Tartan Online: "City Theatre’s Mother Teresa is Dead presents opposing world views of the East and West, of collectivism and individualism, and asks if it is possible to reconcile the two perspectives."


Anonymous said...

This seems like it would be very interesting. It's also nice to see the lead as a female who is torn between two very important things. I feel like there will be a lot of people who can relate to this. Especially to the character of the father.

Anonymous said...

It so nice to see a well-written play, very often with underlying themes or issues in it, being performed the way that it should be with no fuss and frills.
English should be in England, and Indians should be in India is what it says in the script and back in those days. Being where you should be and being where you want to be is a tearing position.
I guess what's used to be, will always linger around, but I hope it will get smaller and smaller as time goes by.
By the way, it is good to know that Indian restaurants can be commonly found in London now.