CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Week in Tools: Toolmonger’s Top 5

Toolmonger: "Last week was a busy week here at Toolmonger with all the breaking s#!$ and what-have-you. If you’ve been spending time in the shop — you should! — and you haven’t had a chance to keep up with Toolmonger this week, we suggest you start with these posts, which our readers helped to select"


dmxwidget said...

The Fubar III is an interesting tool, but there doesnt seem to be a direct use for theatre unless you want to destroy something. It seems more suited for the demolition of houses or other structures. The Erector set is really cool and I would love to play with one. As for the cordless tools, I have 2 sets, Craftsman and Ridgid. I Love the Ridgid because it is 24v and LiIon. The new set seems nice, but it is a little pricy.

Anonymous said...

The fubar looks fun, but I'd rather just a really big crowbar and a sledge hammer. The combination will take down pretty much anything in 30 seconds or less, including lag-bolted window security grates, and costs less.
The IR cordless set looks really nice. They only make quality stuff, which cannot be said about that many companies.