Chicago Tribune: "'It was frustrating for all of us yesterday,' Bob Doepel, of Chicago Scenic Studios, told WGN. Back to the studio the helmets went to be re-sculpted, sanded and re-finished in high-quality orange-and-blue automotive lacquer."
Community, Leadership, Experimentation, Diversity, & Education
Pittsburgh Arts, Regional Theatre, New Work, Producing, Copyright, Labor Unions,
New Products, Coping Skills, J-O-Bs...
Theatre industry news, University & School of Drama Announcements, plus occasional course support for
Carnegie Mellon School of Drama Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni.
CMU School of Drama
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Bearly believable
Chicago Tribune: "'It was frustrating for all of us yesterday,' Bob Doepel, of Chicago Scenic Studios, told WGN. Back to the studio the helmets went to be re-sculpted, sanded and re-finished in high-quality orange-and-blue automotive lacquer."
Basic PTM - Estimating Assignment
Basic PTM - Estimating Assignment
aStudent (4:40:24 PM): It's aStudent
aStudent (4:40:42 PM): Quick question about the estimating assignment
Instructor (4:41:00 PM): ok
aStudent (4:41:40 PM): Is this alright for the element description?
aStudent (4:41:42 PM): Rocketship flat, 1 X 3 frame with luane covering. Two door openings and one window opening. Six A-lamps. One waving alien.
Instructor (4:42:11 PM): uhhuh
aStudent (4:42:15 PM): Awesome, thanks
Instructor (4:42:20 PM): check your spelling
aStudent (4:42:28 PM): Mreh
aStudent (4:42:31 PM): Whoops
Instructor (4:42:34 PM): and it will be dissappointing if EVERYONE writes that
Instructor (4:42:39 PM):but thats the gist of it
aStudent (4:42:44 PM): I'm working alone
Instructor (4:42:46 PM): you could say more
aStudent (4:42:52 PM): What else should I say?
Instructor (4:42:53 PM): but otherwise its fine
Instructor (4:43:13 PM): what else do you know?
aStudent (4:43:50 PM): bolts together
aStudent (4:44:01 PM): It's got some sort of support from the back
Instructor (4:44:50 PM): size, finish, pieces...
Instructor (4:44:55 PM): there's lots of stuff
Instructor (4:45:16 PM): you'd want to write the information in your description that you need to properly estimate
Instructor (4:45:28 PM): you don't go nuts
Instructor (4:45:36 PM): but you want to hit the high points
aStudent (4:45:42 PM): Ok, thanks
Instructor (4:45:47 PM): np
Basic PTM - Estimating Assignment

Full Play Text Database
Two of our full-text play databases, Black Drama and Asian American Drama are now linked to Cameo, the library catalog. If you're looking to see if the text of a particular play is online in the library's collection, you no longer have to search those databases individually. The library catalog provides the url for any full-text plays that we have. Also, once you link to a play, the entire database can be searched as well.
A great debt of thanks goes to Terry Hurlbert, Head of Cataloging and other catalogers who worked on this project. It was not by any means a seamless process.
20th Century American Drama, our other full-text play database will also be linked to Cameo once the bibliographic data is received from Alexander Street Press and processed. Announcement forthcoming.
Software will be software, so please report any problems you may have down the line in linking to the plays so that any corrections can be addressed promptly.
Your input otherwise regarding any of our collections is, of course, always welcome.
Sleep in Saturday...
(U.S. EDT)
DAY: Saturday
DATE: February 3, 2007
TIME: 5:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
If you are using a Wired or Wireless connection, you will not have a network connection. Therefore, you will NOT have access to many services throughout the course of this maintenance (e.g., email, calendar, Internet connectivity, etc.). Likewise, users will not have access to services hosted on servers within your building.
As part of the final phase of the maintenance performed last week on the network infrastructure, we will need to reboot ALL wired switches and several wireless access points around campus. Each building will experience around a 15 minute outage. We will roll these outages across campus finishing everything by 9:00 am.
Please direct any questions or comments to the Computing Services Help Center (x8-HELP or or to your departmental administrator or DSP consultant.
Second fitting goes smoothly for big-headed Bears fans
CFA Announcements
3, at Heinz Hall.
Norwegian conductor Arild Remmereit will lead the orchestra in two selections by Scandinavian composers. PSO Principal Trumpet and Carnegie Mellon faculty George Vosburgh will perform a solo concerto by Johann Nepomuk Hummel.
The program will begin with the Pittsburgh debut of Carl Nielsen¹s ³First Symphony.² About 27 minutes long, the symphony is famous for its ³progressive tonality,² which refers to the composer¹s habit of beginning a work in one key and ending in another. Vosburgh will showcase his excellent artistry in Hummel¹s confident and high-spirited ³Trumpet Concerto.² The performance will conclude with selections from Edvard Grieg¹s incidental music for Henry Ibsen¹s drama ³Peer Gynt.² Among the most memorable titles are ³In the Hall of the Mountain King² and ³Morning Mood.²
Following the performance, PSO musicians and Carnegie Mellon guests can mingle and enjoy a post-concert dessert buffet hosted by Carnegie Mellon¹s President¹s Office.
Discounted tickets for alumni, students, faculty and staff can be purchased at the Information Desk at Carnegie Mellon¹s University Center. Tickets, which start at $12, must be purchased by noon on Friday, Feb. 2. Tickets can also be purchased online at
Theatrical Collage '1:23' Gets World Premiere in Cincy; Cast Set
Entire Run of NYC's 'King Hedley II' Sells Out in 48 Hours
Cineplex looks to Broadway after opera hit
Striking Actors Eyeing 3-Day Talks
A Whole New World
How to Promote Resourcefulness In Yourself and Others
Reference Check: You Are Who Google Says You Are
Valley Players got their girl for 'Man'
Theater Hall of Fame honors August Wilson, seven others
Forbidden Broadway: Special Victims Unit
Costume designer wolfs down assignment
Actors' Equity Awards
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Congrats Adam!
Sightlines: "This month's featured image is a scene design for Eugene O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra which is part of the portfolio of Adam Koch, winner of the 2007 USITT W. Oren Parker Scene Design Award. The award is sponsored by Stage Decorations & Supplies, Inc."
Lion statues' helmets: Bearing down doesn't work
Taper will undergo yearlong remodeling
Books now, play later
Ending the ‘Budget Dance' for the Arts
Ottawa must invest more in arts and festivals: report
Florida's Caldwell Theatre Gets $1 Million for New Home
Project Co-Ordinator needed for Local Educational Kids TV Show
T-Shirt Design for Art Store
Making a play for seduction
Rose Brand Opens New Corporate Headquarters
ETCP Extends Exam Deadline
Glass Opera Faces Tough Act
Resized Ibsen is a must-see
Theatreland enjoys another record-breaking year in 2006
Basic PTM - Estimating Assignment
Monday, January 29, 2007
For time-starved families, a quest for family dinner
Article - Entertainment - 'Noises Off' hit-and-miss affair
BrickStreet cites ‘confusion' for incorrect listings
Union endows new MSUB scholarships
New Questions on Student Evaluations
Broadway's 'Phantom' Is 19 Years Old
Huntington, ART face cast changes at the top
'Pirate' tests waters of Web marketing
Download: Tasks Jr. - A task and project management tool
Applause all round for record London theater year
Adobe Releases Photoshop CS3 Public Beta
Nemetschek NA Launches vLearning Webinars
Not the next 'Cats'
Lighting supervisor Matt Druzbik's voice blares from my headset.
As a spotlight operator at The Club at the Cannery Casino, I have only one job tonight: to keep tribute artist Johnny Fortuno out of the dark.
Unfortunately for me, Elvis has left the spotlight."
Crunch Time Irks Stars
Broadway comes back in a big way
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Conservatory Hour
Conservatory Hour on Monday, Jan. 29
“Oresteia” - Intents and Insights
Rangos 3 5:00-6:00pm
Labor Union, Redefined, for Freelance Workers
Congrats Delia (DRA '03)
Okay- This email is a little late because I got sick DURING our last week of prep before starting shooting tomorrow on my new movie. Needless to say, its been a really tough 7 days for me...yeah, I know...Waa...Waa.
To the point- GO SEE SMOKIN ACES! It opened Friday and its my first film credit (after years of never getting one)! And, yes (mother) have to see my first credit IN the theater...NOT ON DVD! its way more exciting to see it on a big screen. But really guys, I changed every costume in that movie from new to old or new to old and bloody. I even made the showgirl costumes, tremor brothers armor, all bullet holes and the fake sperm....GO SEE IT! Its pretty violent, but in a pulp fiction kind of way- AND if you start getting confused about the plot, let it go...its simpler than you're thinking.
Hope you have fun watching it! Catch it quick...movies don't last long in the theaters these days!
Big love,
ART board pins Woodruff's exit on the bottom line
Cultural funding in budget
Diverting restaurant taxes would be a blow to the arts
Crew member killed on Toronto film set
: "A crew member working on the coming Samuel L. Jackson movie Jumper was killed yesterday by frozen debris that fell on him as he tried to tear down part of an exterior set in Toronto's studio district."
Smoking Onstage
Black History Month destinations beckon
Ovation exploration
Musicals tackle more somber themes
Broadway's serious state of play
It's Rated "R." Who Brought The Kids?, Movie Industry Considering Adding Specific Admonishment To Parents Over Graphic Films
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Time's running out on 'Utopia'
New Kennywood ride promises Chaos
Vegas Producers to Launch Jan. 31 with Oscar, Raben, Hasselhoff and Zimmerman
Friday, January 26, 2007
Art Institute commissions new helmets for famous lions
Helmet size: 37
Chicago Tribune: "To outfit the Art Institute lions this time around, Edmister and others are crafting the football helmets at Chicago Scenic Studios, known for theater and event stage design."
University Lectures
Saturday January 27th
8:00pm Kresge Theatre,
A Land Twice Promised
Noa Baum, Storyteller/Consultant
Co-sponsored by the Middle East Peace Forum of
Storyteller Noa Baum, an Israeli who began a heartfelt dialogue with a Palestinian woman while living in the
The University Lecture Series is a partnership between the Office of the Vice Provost for Education and the Division of Student Affairs. All lectures are FREE and open to the public. For additional information, please call 412-268-8677 or send email inquiries to ALL lectures are on Carnegie Mellon’s
Thank you!
Why Alignment Matters
Lone Twin returns for 'Nine Years'
Primary Stages Lines Up NY Debuts from Foote, Holtzman and Hollinger for New Season
Sound & Light Technician
Technical Director/Lighting Designer
Associate Lighting Designer
Lighting Systems Field Engineer
N.Y. Stage Play Celebrates 'Math Team Queen'
For Broadway, It Was a Very Good Year
Seventh Annual Women on the Way Festival
Young Frankenstein Confirmed for Fall Broadway Opening
The new musical will begin rehearsals in June and open out of town this summer prior to its Broadway bow."
Hollywood stars ruining our theatre, says Ayckbourn
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Summer Stock?
I’m getting questions from students on which are the better summer stock opportunities. I have my own suite of answers to this, but I figured there might be more knowledge in the ether. If you know of particularly good programs could you shoot me a note with the name and a short blurb. I’ll put them all together and make them available to everyone.
By Monday?
CFA Announcements
WEEK of Jan. 29 - Feb. 4, Miller Gallery Opening Tonight, Art and Media Panel, Events
Regina Gouger Miller Gallery________________________________________________
Carnegie Mellon University¹s Regina Gouger Miller Gallery will open ³Tides,² a new group exhibition that includes compelling photographs, paintings, sculpture, videos and performances by nine of the most innovative artists working in Northern Ireland.
The exhibition opens TONIGHT with a public reception from 5 to 8 p.m.
³Tides² will run through March 30.
Artists include Ian Charlesworth, Seamus Harahan, Michael Hogg, Sandra Johnston, Darren Murray, Aisling O¹Beirn, Mary McIntyre, Peter Richards and Alistair Wilson. Johnston, a performance artist, will present her work at 12:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 26, in the College of Fine Arts Great Hall.
Art and the Media Panel ____________________________________________________
The Art and the Media Panel discussion will be chaired by Dr. Hilary Robinson, the Stanley and Marcia Gumberg Dean of the College of Fine Arts.
Tuesday, January 30 at 11:30 a.m.
Lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m.- noon Panel discussion begins at noon
The panel discussion will be webcast live at
To view biography information on the panelists and moderator click link below or visit the School of Music's destination link above:
Events This Weekend ________________________________________________________
Jan. 25 - 28: The School of Music presents the opera "Alcina" by George Frideric Handel. The musical director is Robert Page and Gregory Lehane is stage director. Jan. 25 - 27 performances are at 8 p.m. The Jan. 28 performance is at 2:30 p.m. Performances are in the Chosky Theater. For tickets, call 412-268-2407.
Sunday, Jan. 28: Carnegie Mellon Chamber Orchestra, Andres Cardenes, conductor and soloist. 8 p.m., Third Presbyterian Church, Fifth at Negley.
Free admission. Live broadcast on Classical WQED-FM 89.3.
The Carnegie Mellon School of Drama will host Donna Lynne Champlin (A'93), fresh off her run as Pirelli in the smash hit "Sweeney Todd" to the School of Drama this month!
Donna Lynne will perform her hit New York Cabaret Act titled "Finishing the Hat" on Friday, January 26, and Saturday January 27 at the CLO Cabaret Theater in downtown Pittsburgh, at 10 p.m.
The CABARET will begin at 10 p.m. Both nights. (1/26 and 1/27).
Admission Fee is only $8.
Jason Coll (A'93) will also serve as her Music Director.
Monday _________________________________________________________________
Architect, designer and sustainable agriculturalist Fritz Haeg (A'92) will lecture on his wide-ranging work on Monday, January 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the Carnegie Museum of Art Theater.
This lecture is cosponsored by the Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture and the Heinz Architectural Center, Carnegie Museum of Art.
Fritz Haeg graduated from the Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture in 1992. Since then, he has operated a multi-faceted practice incorporating architecture, design, ecology and education. Recent projects include the Bernardi Salcedo residence in L.A. and the widely publicized ³Edible Estates², a sustainably-oriented program to turn urban lawns into domestic farms.
For more information call 412-268-1538
Phylicia Rashad
Thursday, February 22, 2007
As part of the 2007 Carnegie Mellon University Lecture Series and in celebration of Black History Month, the Division of Student Affairs, Division of University Advancement and School of Drama are pleased to present:
4:30 pm- Dialogue with Phylicia Rashad, moderated by Dan Green (A 1994)
McConomy Auditorium, University Center
Actress Phylicia Rashad is best known for her role as “Clair Huxtable” on the hit television sitcom The Cosby Show. In 2004 she became the first black woman to win a Tony Award as Best Leading Actress for her role in the play A Raisin in the Sun. Her Broadway credits also include a turn as “Aunt Ester” in Pittsburgh native August Wilson’s play Gem of the Ocean. Ms. Rashad is a committed advocate for children, women's issues, and the fine arts.
If you know of others who would like to attend the dialogue, additional tickets will be available at the University Center Information Desk. Two free tickets per Carnegie Mellon ID available beginning February 5, 2007. Tickets to the general public available after February 15.
For a full schedule of Black History Month events, please visit