CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How to Promote Resourcefulness In Yourself and Others "Being resourceful means knowing how to get the information and results you want. Being organized and having trusted systems are big pieces of the productivity puzzle, but sometimes “Getting Things Done” means being a creative problem-solver."


Anonymous said...

I agree with the idea of teaching resourcefulness to others, especially in children. I know my parents always insisted on having me look up or discover my own answers to questions or problems instead of simply telling me what to do. Especially now with the internet, it is far easier to look up solutions.
This reminds me of the time my dad strangely enough made me learn the first and last word in our dictionary. To this day I am not sure why that was important, but I still remember them.

CDB said...

This article is especially helpful with the way things are run here at school. With having students in charge of productions and other students, our community really tries to utilize resourcefulness. Especially with the HUGE variety of backgrounds everyone has.....we have a great amount of expertise that we can pull from.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE MacGyver!!!!! I think I'm pretty resourceful and it is definetly an important skill to have. It would definetly smart to start teaching children that early.