CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Reference Check: You Are Who Google Says You Are "The internet and its search engines have become so powerful, available and user-friendly that your reputation is becoming defined by what the first 3 pages of yahoo or google search hits turns up. Forget about personal and professional references for making a first impression because the internet search gets done before that."


Anonymous said...

I find it highly amusing the amount of time that is spent by people internet stalking. Especially with blogs or things like facebook, it is so easy to locate people. Even if it is just someone you passed in the hall, all you need is computer access and you can meet them via the internet. Rather creepy I suppose...

Anonymous said...

Whenever I here things like this, as in people searching their own name to see what comes up, I always wonder...are they putting quotes around it. It's interesting to think that the first impression some makes of you can change if they are the kind of person that searches "Jordan Groves" or Jordan Groves. One way you'll actually find a couple of things that list the actual me...the other you'll find stuff about Michael Jordan/ Jordan the country and a lot of sites about trees.

Anonymous said...

edit for spelling:

Whenever I hear things like this, as in people searching their own name to see what comes up, I always wonder...are they putting quotes around it. It's interesting to think that the first impression some makes of you can change if they are the kind of person that searches "Jordan Groves" or Jordan Groves. One way you'll actually find a couple of things that list the actual me...the other you'll find stuff about Michael Jordan/ Jordan the country and a lot of sites about trees.

Anonymous said...

I read this and laugh a little bit because I think we all at one point have "googled" ourselves or others that we know and the funny thing is that sometimes we do get distinct impressions of people from what we find and now that it is so easy to access this information one might ask themselves why not try to get this information however, if we are looking up someone we don't really know should we really let the things we find on the internet which at times can't be the most reliable resource determine our thoughts about a person before we get to know the person in "the real world"?

Anonymous said...

They always show it movies. People checking eachother out before a date or a stalker searching for more information, but I don't know anyone who actually does that. I've searched my own name before just because it's hard for me to believe anything about me is up there, but surprising there is. I guess it can be creepy to have anyone be able to find out anything about you, but how often due you put up super personal things? All the stuff you can find out about me is where I go to school and when my grandmother died.