CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Bold Visual World Created By Heather Shaw If Heather Shaw had a private planet of her own making, it would be called Vita Motus, a dynamo spinning in orbit around the largest of large-scale events with the denizens dropping down to earth to deliver visually compelling experiences. In reality, Vita Motus is Shaw’s multi-disciplinary design studio, based in LA, where it orbits in the worlds of interactive, environmental designs, as well as sets for TV and live theatre, and touring stages.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heather Shaw is insane. Her work is all over the map and it would be so awesome if she and her company had their own planet, because I would definitely love to take a trip there. My favorite part of this article was learning that her team uses four different types of CAD softwares, two of which, I know. Her company’s design ideas or very cutting edge, and do a lot to incorporate different mediums, a lot of which, are media based. I think media is often pushed aside in the theatrical world, but to see the images of it used in their set for Cirque in Argentina was pretty cool. Designers that manage to design outside the country are always pretty cool to me, because I would like to do that one day. When Molly came in to teach a master class about Cinema 4D, she talked about how she renders draftings for a living and travels the world while she does it, so it’s inspiring women like Molly and Heather Shaw that make the world turn for aspiring designers like me.