CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama effects change on stage

Variety: "There's an ironically presented black minstrel show at the Vineyard Theater. There's a darkly comic wrestling match with retro racial stereotypes at the Public Theater. At Playwrights Horizons, white characters and black characters try to talk about race, and mostly fail.
See a pattern?
Legit productions about race in America are proliferating this season, with a handful opening in quick succession this spring at Off Broadway venues. It's a remarkable topical shift that coincides with the age of Obama -- and one that hasn't been played out to an equal degree in TV or film."


Unknown said...

Although I wouldn't exactly say Obama is the reason that many theatrical productions revolving around race have been going on, because its clearly been a topic that artists have always been exploring, it seems to be contributing to its exposure in mainstream theater. It great to see shows becoming acclaimed like "Scottsboro brothers" and "Race" because they really challenge audiences to delve deeper into the topic of race. I really like the quote about how we don't exactly live in a post-racial world, its true the problems of racism aren't exactly in their climax although we don't live in a world where race is even near immaterial. When choosing productions revolving around race, the question of whether or not a play or production is appropriate for the current day, our time, is always a driving factor for choosing a show and I think now is a great opportunity given the recent election for these shows.

Jennifer said...

Though the topic of race is not new, it is interesting how Obama has served as a catalyst for talking about race. I think its good that theater is highlighting the fact that race is still an issue and that we aren't quite at the point where we can say its a non-issue. Just like with the pay scales for women versus men. I think its all too easy to get caught in the mindset that these are all problems of the past. If we get complacent, no progress will be made. So, I'm glad that Obama and theater are bringing this issue to the forefront.