CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

The Suppliants Project Ukraine. Aeschylus and refugees on a football field

New York Theater: Kristina Obluchynska and Bohdana Yakobchuk were two of the seven women from Ukraine who were standing yesterday In the middle of the football stadium of the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, speaking these lines from “The Suppliants,” written by Aeschylus 2,500 years ago. They were performing, alongside three well-known professional American actors, Anthony Edwards, Keith David and Tate Donovan, in the latest innovation from Theater of War Productions.

1 comment:

Angie Zarrilli said...

This way of informing the public is really interesting. In high school our history teachers would always tell us that no matter what happens in the future, something almost exactly the same has happened in the past and could have been prevented if the past was just studied clearer. So, for them to take the ancient readings and use them to inform is pushing that point exactly. Something about this though that I find so terrible is that the people talking about the issues in Ukraine are those who haven’t even suffered the most. And that’s not to mean that their experiences and traumas are invalid, what I mean by that is their experiences are the ones we are hearing and the ones that we find so terrible. Yet, we haven’t even heard the worst of whats happening there yet. These people are scholars who are able to study at Notre Dame. Not many others in Ukraine have had that opportunity and them sharing how terrible their stories are show just how bad it can get, even more the more privileged Ukranians.