CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Hollywood and Mind Event Set for May 2023

The Hollywood Reporter: Hollywood & Mind, a new venture focused on the intersection of mental health and the entertainment industry founded by veteran journalist Cathy Applefeld Olson, is set to hold its inaugural event on May 11, 2023, to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Month.

1 comment:

Maggie Latham said...

Los Angeles as a city is very dedicated to mental health awareness, and this event is a wonderful addition to that mission. The Los Angeles Dodgers have several of their team members run ads on the radio and television during games urging viewers and listeners to seek mental health assistance and to avoid the stigmas surrounding seeking such help. Working to destigmatize mental health seems to be a main focus of this event and it is certainly one that is vital to making a true impact when it comes to this topic. It is also great to have the added collaboration in the industry as a bonus because of how important mental health is to the theatre and entertainment industry as a whole and this is crucial to creating great and sustainable art without facing too much burnout. I hope that this will be an annual event that could potentially expand even further than just this.