CMU School of Drama

Thursday, November 14, 2019

First Impression: Riedel Bolero Wireless Intercom

Church Production Magazine: Intercoms are a live production mainstay. While they have changed a little over the years, those updates generally amounted to simple modifications to keep up with the times. There hasn’t really been a need for a major overhaul, since the intercom is simple and it only has one job. At least that was what I thought before I learned about the Riedel Bolero Wireless Intercom.We can’t wait to test our new assumptions when our review unit arrives later this month, but it appears Riedel seems to have redefined the standard intercom.


Unknown said...

In the sound stagecraft class, my mini group just learned about the intercom system. I never realized that it was up to the sound designer to make sure everything needed for intercom between the stage manager, all the designers and director and every other technician or stage hand to be available and working. The intercom system at my high school was absolutely terrible so intercom is something I pay attention to a lot since I want it to work well. This new wireless intercom set seems really neat! It is interesting how this intercom doesn't need an antenna or base station. I also really like how there is a small screen on this intercom. It makes it much more legible easy to understand and I'm assuming customize. I wish I got to work more with wireless intercoms. At my old job we had some but they weren't anything as nice as these are.

-Pablo Anton

James Gallo said...

This comm system sounds next level. It is really interesting that it does not require a base station. At my high school we had Telex wireless comms and I remember how much space the comm rack took up in our control booth. It would have been nice to just integrate some antennae into the space. In addition, it is rather funny and bold that their belt clip includes a bottle opener on it. The clip would always break at my school, so I think it is awesome that they focused deeply on how to make this a strong component of the packs. I would have never thought about the bluetooth integration into these headsets, but that sounds like a really interesting feature that I would have never dreamed about. In addition, the screen that they have looks very helpful in making sure the users are always on the right channel and that they know which group of people they are talking to. This wireless comm system sounds like an awesome step up and I hope to get to use one in the future.