CMU School of Drama

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Pop Musical: Go Big (and Loud) or Go Home

The New York Times: Sometimes, I crave a musical where grandiosity is unencumbered by logic and good taste. I don’t need a book that makes sense when I can feast on eye-popping visuals backed by an eardrum-busting sound system. It’s O.K. for the brain to take a rest while the senses work overtime. Broadway knew that once, or at least Florenz Ziegfeld did.


Pablo Anton said...

I believe theater is made for a purpose. What I love about theater so much is that it always has some sort of meaning to people. Some people may not enjoy a show but there is always one person who finds enjoyment in every show. In this article, shows like We Will Rock You still have this great purpose. And that is just to entertain people for a few hours and bring them into a whole new world. Of course there are more dramatic shows that are supposed to make you think and feel sad with the characters. Angels in America is a great example of this. There are also shows that are supposed to make a political stance in today's climate, not even worrying about distracting you from the life you live in. Network with Brian Cranston was a great example that threw all these political ideas and horrors into your face. But sometimes, good theater can just be sitting back, listening to some of your favorite tunes, and wanting to dance along to them.

-Pablo Anton

Nicolaus Carlson said...

This does sound like quite the show. In Aristotle’s terms, it is all spectacle. However, that isn’t necessarily bad it just won’t attain what theatre supposedly sets out to do. It is a show where you are there to be awed and have a good time, you don’t want to work through catharsis or follow intently along with a plot, arc, or other thing. It appears to be a show and concert mix where it is the atmosphere and entertainment of a concert but the attendance and respect of a theatrical show. It is an interesting concept and feels like the television theatrical shows. It probably isn’t effective at doing one or the other but does do a solid mix that isn’t bad of the two. It also doesn’t sound like Las Vegas’ Run which took a movie concept and applied it to the live theatrical stage. Run appeared to flop or so it should whereas this looks like it will do just fine.