CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

sym: When science fiction meets modern choreography

Dance | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper: As part of Pittsburgh Dance Week, STAYCEE PEARL dance project & Soy Sos premiere their latest dance work sym, commissioned by and presented at East Liberty’s Kelly Strayhorn Theater, April 12 and 13.

Choreographed by company co-executive director Staycee Pearl, sym is a dance work by her and husband Herman Pearl (Soy Sos) inspired by the writings of award-winning African-American science fiction author, Octavia Butler.


Simone Schneeberg said...

As a concept, this is really cool to me. I love both science fiction and fantasy stories, but they can be overdone or poorly done when the adaptation is an attempted replication of the original work, or even when it is an original work. There is just a level of camp that can overwhelm the viewer’s suspension of disbelief. Dance offers a layer of abstraction that I think might really help combat this. There is the emotional physicality of dance that can really help to portray a story in a new, raw way. The only possible downside I see is that this abstraction can also make a dance story difficult to follow or difficult to translate to the audience entirely. However, this also offers the ability for the audience to use their imagination. It gives an opportunity to create the details of the story while getting the overall line and overall emotional message of the piece. I would be really interested in seeing this myself.

Sophie Nakai said...

I think that this seems like it could be really cool but I do not really know the reality of it because I have never seen it. I really like fantasy and sci fi as genres because they are more interesting to read for me and I think that there are elements that could translate to dance and make it a very interesting thing but I am really confused as to how some of it would work. In my mind it seems very cliche and elementary but it could also be really really different and blow my mind. I am just imagining like some kind of cheesy story dance with cliche music. I think that I really need to see one of these to imagine what they are doing because right now I cannot. The photo that is there is really cool though I love the costumes and I think that the ideas could be there.