CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

TDF Announces 2013-2014 Schedule of Autism Friendly Performances

Stage Directions: Theatre Development Fund’s popular Autism Theatre Initiative has announced the 2013-2014 season schedule of autism-friendly performances of Broadway shows, and three Broadway shows will participate this year. The schedule is: Disney’s The Lion King on Sunday, September 29, 2013, at 1pm at the Minskoff Theatre; Spider-Man Turn Off The Dark on Saturday, November 16, 2013, at 2pm at the Foxwoods Theatre; and Wicked on Sunday, March 2, 2014, at 1pm at the Gershwin Theatre. Tickets for the The Lion King are already practically sold out, but there is a list available for people to sign up for cancellations.


Paulina Rugart said...

It is good to hear that such a large group is once again working to be autism-friendly. I find it interesting that there are so few shows, and that they are all chosen to be ones with almost a childish vibe though. The TDF is good to work with theatre goers and technicians to fine tune this program and make it open to the autistic community. No matter who it is, theatre can be beneficial and it positively affects said people as well as the theatrical community when this is recognized.

Unknown said...

The TDF is doing a great thing by creating shows that are autism-friendly. When working my high school theatre, we have only worked with ASL interpreters. Trying to adjust a show can be very difficult, especially for large Broadway shows, so it is great they are showing interest in such a topic. The one thing that stuck about to me about this wonderful event, is that the 3 three shows that are participating are big-budget shows that can afford this. Not every show can do this because of the adjustments that have to be made (such as moving speakers). Theatre should be available to all audiences, but this is a great place to start.