CMU School of Drama

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Church Sound: Where's the Sound Guy?

Pro Sound Web: Where’s the sound guy? I’ve heard this question so many times, usually regarding the sound operator who was supposed to be at the console for rehearsal or the service, but has gone missing. Sometimes it comes up when there’s a problem with the sound system or questions about how to operate it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This post is very interesting to me because I am a projectionist at my church. Now, I do go to a smaller church with less than 200 members, but we do use projections at every service in addition numerous instruments. But, we do run into the same problem. All of our "tech team" consists of volunteers. Now, most of them do care about the ministry and we really appreciate all the help we can get, but it does not always reflect in the work that we produce. At our church, we do not have a paid technical minister and it truly reflects in what we are able to produce and say about our church. Projections in church services are there to help the audience feel more engaged with the service and stimulate the eye. If we did not do that, we failed.