CMU School of Drama

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jumbo 3D Holograms of Human Anatomy Enliven Med-School Lectures PowerPoints? Forget it. Instructional film? Nah. White board? Boring. Instead, two UK teachers are experimenting with a more interesting way to spice up in-class lectures. Kapil Sugand and Pedro Campos, junior doctors from St. George's University of London, presented holograms of life-like images to students in their latest seminar. Called HAMLET (Holography-Assisted Medical Lecturing and E-Tutoring), the presentation included jumbo 3D manifestations of a 13-foot-tall kidney, a skull and other parts of the human anatomy

1 comment:

Paulina Rugart said...

People have fantasized about holograms and different 3D representations for so long that it is so interesting to finally see these things begin to come alive. To begin a project and jump in so immediately without much funding at all requires great innovation and it is incredible to see what a major creation these men have made. Though they are focused on just the medical education aspect, I think it is very important to make sure all different programs can become immersed in new technologies and find ways to better them for each.