CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 12, 2012

J-O-B Project Manager

Project Manager 08.11


Rachael S said...

We've been talking about hiring in Tech Management recently. There's a good chance that someone from this organization already has someone in mind for the job, potentially an employee already under the company's umbrella, or perhaps someone the hiring manager, or someone else, knows. I know it's stressed here at the School of Drama that networking is really important, and that's because it is. An email sent out to former colleagues about a hiring opportunity, or having someone to vouch for you from your organization or the hiring organization, or a mutually respected organization, could make all the difference.

rmarkowi said...

Good to see people hiring! The requirements for this position are very extensive, and the duties are too, but it goes to show you why these people are in such high demand (and why we go to school). It also shows why connections are so useful in this field.