CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Taste of Theatre Event to Take Chicago

Stage Directions: They have previews for movies. Why not for theatre? That’s Victor Gulley's viewpoint. The Chicago playwright said he was booking a play in a local theatre when “the thought came to me that whenever you go to a regular movie, you get six previews. Well… why not do that for live theatre?”

1 comment:

Adelaide Zhang said...

Gulley's take on theatre previews is definitely an interesting one. It's unusual for sure, but he has a point -- why shouldn't theatre get some more publicity, especially new, as-of-yet-unproduced originals? The fact that the event comprises not only individual scenes from shows but also a number of workshops covering different elements makes it even more appealing. Although it was to be expected, the pricing seems to land on the more expensive side, but nevertheless it's nice to see that all aspects of theatre are getting a little more attention. With any luck, the Gulley will be able to continue the event in future years.