CMU School of Drama

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gone Fishing

The News From the Real World page will be taking a one week vacation.New posts will resume on or around August 19th.



Matt said...

At first I wasn't sure how I felt about this article. But after reading it again, I agree: going fishing is not the right time or place to be posting Green Page articles. Doesn't matter if its fly fishing, deep-sea fishing, or ice fishing - sometimes vacation is appropriate.

With so much going in the entertainment and theater industry it makes sense that posts will resume around August 19th. I wonder what labor issues will arise, what mediocre Pittsburgh productions will get good reviews, what news our alums will make, what will happen to the table saws, or what new and excited lifehack tips will be developed for my resume or job interview.

Brian Rangell said...

I'm shocked and almost offended by this post. Who would DARE go fishing at a time like this? There's so much going on in the entertainment and theatre industry, and it's not nice to the fish to catch them! Or maybe it's only not nice to the fish to catch them for one week...

I think that all people should be back here on August 19th to read what is going on. I will go back to not fishing and doing other things until the time that I can read what is in the news again. I'm interested to see what the implications of this week off will be.