CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Auditions Announced for Readings of New Musical by Sting Auditions have been announced for a staged reading of Sting's new musical "The Last Ship," which tells the story of a group of shipyard workers who are inspired by a local priest to build their own ship once their shipyard has been shut down. The workers then decide to set sail on a voyage around the world. Bethany Knox of Telsey + Company is casting the readings, which will be held April 9-21 in New York City.

1 comment:

ranerenshaw said...

This is super exciting, but i hope the show does not run into the same issues that Spiderman had. It seemed like every time U2 was on tour.. the amount of miscommunications throughout the show increased tremendously. It was extremely frustrating having such a large scale show with such potential go through SO many issues and postponements and crowding up the rumor mill. I remember being so excited for when u2 was going to be involved in a musical production, as i am a fan of their music. Initially i was just as excited when i read this article but now i find myself rather hesitating because of what happened with spiderman.