CMU School of Drama

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Stage Review: At Dutch fest, an odd play is enlightening

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Engaging and downright odd, "Diespace" prepares you for an afterlife as a digital representation of yourself. The five fellows of PIPS:lab are conducting this theatrical experiment through tonight as part of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust's Distinctively Dutch Festival.

1 comment:

caschwartz said...

I find the idea of an interactive show featuring death to be particularly fascinating. I wonder if someday we will be able to upload a human conscience to a computer, something which many science fiction authors have used before. I also don't think that it disobeys the laws of physics, it's just a matter of waiting for the technology to catch up. I also think the ability to play something as serious as death for laughs and not offend anyone in the audience is a really impressive skill