CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NFTRW Weekly Top Five

Here are the top five comment generating posts from the past week:

Take a Nap! Change Your Life

Cool Tools: Napping is a evolutionarily habit that still works wonders today. I can get by with several hours less sleep per night by adding a 20-minute nap in the afternoon. But I work at home where napping is easily done. The point of this book is to persuade you that the benefits of napping, scientifically derived, are so great you should do everything you can to make napping a habit whatever your schedule.
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I think I'll go strapless on the catwalk today

Theatre Safety Blog: Working on the Gridiron Deck, Loading Gallery, or Beam Catwalk is not usually all that glamorous, but you can make a fashion statement that is functional and comfortable. Who knows, maybe you will turn a few heads while wearing these Wurk Pads? For some unknown reason, masochists must design these work surfaces, as someone that works upon them would never let this happen. Theatre crews spend way too much time on their knees, and anything you can do to relieve some of that suffering is a good thing.

Ten Things College Students Waste Money On

Forbes: When we made the decision to pay for my son’s college education many years ago, we never expected the price of tuition to almost double just as he entered the University of California. To top it all off, the timing of his freshman year followed a decade of lackluster growth in his college fund. We are not alone as parents everywhere are struggling to help their children walk across the stage in the cap and gown to gain a coveted college diploma. Parents may have socked away funds to pay for tuition and books, but with costs rising there is simply less money to spend on all the other expenses associated with being a student.
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The longest running plays don't get revived.

theproducersperspective: We often talk about the longest runnings show in Broadway history . . . Phantom, Cats, Les Miz, Chicago . . . but rarely do we talk about the longest running plays.
Because you wouldn't recognize 'em if we did.
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On Theatre: No one should take opinion as gospel, not even our critic’s

National Post: Soulpepper’s production of Arthur Miller’s The Price received a standing ovation on its first night. These days that isn’t such a rarity, anywhere you go. But the cheers and claps on this occasion were unusually prolonged, to the point that they took the cast and stage management by surprise; the actors staggered on for their last call with the house lights up, and looking uncertain whether to stay or go. The audience, of course, lapped up the confusion, laughed in delighted sympathy and clapped all the harder.
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