CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Two CMU Alumni Win Emmy Awards; Seven Others Nominated

Carnegie Mellon University: The 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards will be presented Sunday, Sept. 18 on Fox, but two Carnegie Mellon alumni have already been named winners.


Meg DC said...

Congrats to all our alumni nominees! It is great to see the proof of this program beyond strictly theatrical venues.

skpollac said...

This is great news!! As a freshman DP, It is very encouraging to see the amazing results of this program from all aspects of it. This also goes to show that while most of us may start off this program with a distinct path in mind, you never know where life and art will lead you and how unexpected the outcomes of the new path will be. Congratulations to all!!

Anonymous said...

This post and the newsletter brought to my attention the number of successful art directors that have come out of this program. I would love to learn more about the job of an art director and getting into that profession. Like Meg, I'm happy to see our alum working in venues other than strict theatre. I am personally more interested in other forms of live entertainment such as dance, concerts, Cirque and similar shows, etc. I wish that we could focus some of our learning in this department on these other forms of live entertainment as well as film. I know there is a common denominator in all of these fields and that the skills learned in theatre can certainly be applied in other areas. I would love to learn more about the application of these skills.

Anonymous said...

Also congratulations to our distinguished alumni! You guys rock!

Katherine Eboch said...

It's great to see how our alumni are doing years after graduation. Congratulations to all the alumni, winner and nominees.

SMysel said...

This is so exciting! It is very reassuring to see all of these nominations and winnings coming from the Carnegie Mellon alumni. It is also very reassuring to see so much success in not just live theatre but film too. It's great to see how diverse our skills and talents are! It's also a great reminder to not limit ourselves to any particular field. Congratulations!

ranerenshaw said...

I agree with Shannon. As for myself I am interesting in the live concert aspect of design.. and Im sure in advanced courses I will learn plenty of applicable material for that scene, but it would be awesome to be immediately exposed to that dimension as much as we are to theatre. I cannot wait to get to the point in the program where we get to design, specialize, and excel. It is amazing to see that alumn from this school are current getting awarded for working on projects that when i decided to do what i do... set out as the ultimate goal. Refreshing, humbling, and inspirational. It is easy to forget why we moved to Pittsburgh to come to a crazy intense school and do lots of projects and get a lot of B's. But it is even easier to see something like this and remember exactly why youre here.