CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oakland dinner, show celebrates Scottish heritage

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "It began as a platonic friendship, set in 18th-century Scotland. But then the characters in Mike Gibb and Kevin Walsh's musical 'Clarinda' found their fondness for each other growing.
Soon it evolved into love.
The lauded musical will make its way across the Atlantic for the first time, unfolding before an audience at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association in Oakland on Jan. 23. The performance coincides with the St. Andrews Society of Pittsburgh's annual Burns dinner."

1 comment:

Tom Strong said...

It could be interesting to see a musical added to the traditional Burns Night festivities, as far as I recall the usual activities are centered around haggis, scotch, an Burns' poem "To a Haggis", consuming the former while reciting the latter along with many toasts. I note that the musical is being significantly abridged, I presume that is to make it fit into the program for a rather busy night, and I wonder how much of the musical will be left and if it'll be a musical any longer as opposed to just a few songs out of context.