CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

LINES Ballet produces thoughtful program

Post Gazette: "In the five years since Alonzo King's LINES Ballet last appeared in Pittsburgh, the San Francisco-based group has celebrated its 25th birthday and the prolific King now finds himself in great demand at top ballet companies around the world. His style, which stretches ballet to new limits, has taken on a global range and his dancers have achieved a comfort level in the abundant terpsichorean playground that he has created for them."

1 comment:

S. Kael said...

Though I'm not particularly well versed in ballet terms (note: I do not comprehend French on any level), the vision behind each of this pieces thast King has done sound fascinatingly varied, and something truly inspiring from an artistic point of view. To be able to stay in one form, that is, dance, and break free of the sterreotypical routines in so many ways is something I believe all artists try to do in certainly more limited art forms with less success. For King, the human body is a diverse and ever evolving palette for his work, and I would love to see what he comes up with next.