CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Technology brings Charles Darwin back to life at the Carnegie Science Center

Pop City: "Our local universities have really done it this time, bringing Charles Darwin back to life for his 200th birthday. Drop by and say hello at the Carnegie Science Museum."

1 comment:

arosenbu said...

I think this is super cool. At ETC, there is one with Benjamin Franklin, and it is really exciting. During one of my Theatre Management classes, Don talked to us about this Darwin Project. I'm excited that its actually opening now. But also, he said that they were trying to make Pittsburgh the number one city for Edutainment (educational entertainment). I think this movement is puttting us in the right direction. :-)

Also, I'm a bit confused as to how Duquesne helped in the project, because from what I know, it wsa just ETC, and the article didnt really elucidate further...