CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Instructor: Newport Beach school play canceled because of gay characters "A drama instructor made that charge Friday, and a lengthy account of the episode, penned by an unidentified Corona del Mar High School student, has been circulating in e-mails and was posted Friday at, a gay-oriented blog and news forum."


arege said...

This is very disappointing to say the least. For a authority figure to put a kabosh on a production simply for the fact that their are gay characters and that their are homosexual themes is completely ridiculous! What happened to freedom of expression and especially artistic license?

Chris said...

This makes me SO ANGRY. Ok angry outburst over, now for actual discussion. If the accusations are correct (the article is very unclear about this) I am very disappointed. Schools should not be editing or censoring scripts because of questionable content, especially in high school. Everyone is hopefully intelligent enough to understand that the school is not encouraging bad behavior. There is no reason to ban RENT for its portrayal of gay characters. If the school was objecting to the drug references, ok (MAYBE). What happened to freedom of speech? Sometime I think that public schools are way too overbearing.

Anonymous said...


I am categorically against the idea that homosexual behavior equals bad behavior. The freedom of art is an offshoot of freedom of speech and if one disappears, the other will too.

Ethan Weil said...

I think that high schools are really fooling themselves if they think that what they show or maybe even endorse has much effect on students. Schools are expected to embrace multiple viewpoints in the classroom, I don't see why it should be ok to censure some in the arts.