CMU School of Drama

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Need Displays? Got USB?

Live Design: "With a variety of playback systems available these days that can easily and flexibly power multiple displays, for many smaller productions and operations the main obstacle to driving multiple projectors or screens is a playback computer with more than two video outputs. Computers loaded with multiple video cards can still be expensive or need to be custom-built. And if you are running from a laptop, you’ve got the one out, and that’s it."


Dave said...

Projections, though one of the most recent trends in theatre seems to be one of the fastest growing. Even though this product was probably not developed with theatre in mind, theatre definitely is as Kevin says "the *#&$#!$ child of a thousand other industries"

Anonymous said...

Although I'm sure this has theatrical applications, this seems like the sort of thing that would be perfect for the average college student (once the price drops, that is). It's not entirely uncommon to have an old monitor lying around, and being able to hook it up to a laptop via a USB port seems really convenient and a good solution to the constant dilemma of more screen space.

Anonymous said...

If they are going to find ways to be able to hook up more monitors with a USB jack, maybe this will influence some of the lighting companies to switch to USB drives as a way of saving their shows. With all the modern breakthroughs in lighting consoles, I'm really surprised that they still rely on floppy disks to save, which are almost impossible to find anymore. Also, with so much pre-visualization software out, it would help to be able to easily link board info to your computer.

BWard said...

this is just coming out now?

video over USB has always been lacking, simply because USB is a serial device, not a direct-memory access device, which is what all other video cards are. this is the reason for the lag.

I seriously doubt it'll be able to play HD video or graphics, or render things live. this is why you should just build a computer into a roadcase and run the video off of that.