CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

25 Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Paperwork

Ian's Messy Desk: "One of the biggest enemies of an organized workspace is paper. Paper seems to take on a life of its own and before you know it, every flat surface is covered with paper. There are two simple rules to remember when handling paper:

1. When you don’t need to keep it, toss it.
2. When you do need to keep it, file it"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I agree with the basic philosophy of either file it or trash it, some of the points presented in the article don't seem to be so great. Personally, I find that saving drafts is very useful (#4 suggests they are useless), especially because sometimes a draft has information that a future version doesn't have, and they are also useful to see changes that have and haven't been made. However, #24 and #25 seem like great ideas to limit the influx of paper.