CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 08, 2007

Theaters' best take their bows Stage: "A big cross-section of the local theater community turned out for the Globe Awards on Sunday night. The awards, which are presented by the Alamo Theatre Arts Council, recognize achievement on San Antonio stages."


Anonymous said...

Why do we need another set of awards. I barely follow the Tony's. This may have been one of the more random thing's I have read. The Globe awards (a pun on Golden Globe?) "recognize achievement on San Antonio stages." I read through most of the shows and for the most part they where good shows, but I've never been to Texas...

Derek said...

Yeah, like we need more awards, but we are in a business where people like to receive the praise of others. It does seem like this was quite an impressive turnout despite the small region that the awards played to. Often when I see the list of nominees or winners, I don't really recognize many of the pieces, and so have little insight into the awards. Even watching the big awards shows, I often just don't have the time to see that much theater or film.