CMU School of Drama

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Political theater

The Tartan Online: "Robert Myers, an associate professor of English and creative writing at the American University of Beirut, delivered his lecture, “Playing with History: Political Theatre in Europe, the U.S., and the Middle East,” in the Richard Rauh Theater in the Purnell Center last Thursday. “This afternoon, what I’d like to talk about is contemporary political and historical theater,” Myers said. “It’s broad and I’m trying to trace the contours, so bear with me if it seems a bit general or if I stumble into an area I don’t know that much about.”"


Anonymous said...

I'm really bummed I didn't know about Myer's talk. It seems like his talk was really interesting. I am very much into Political Theatre. I really enjoy works that make you think and question the system you live in.

Anonymous said...

Reading this article, i am reminded of the first time I read Athol Fugard's 'Siswe Banzi is Dead'.
I really love the way Playwright as the Thinker, is very much connected with what goes around in the world and writes it with dignity, bringing those issues and thoughts to life with words.
Seeing it presented on stage is really breath-taking and Mind-blowing, making us aware of issues we never thought about as we worry about grades, money or work.