CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 08, 2007

Campus Lecture

WHO: Kate Bornstein, post gendered actor/playwright

WHAT: A lecture!

WHEN: Monday Oct 8 @ 4:30pm

WHERE: Porter HAll 100.

WHY: Part of the Pride Month celebration on campus.

WHY I SHOULD CARE: Bornstein is the author of one of the Queerest plays of all time; HIDDEN, A GENDER. Gender theory from a playwright/actor who claims a post-operative vagina but not a gender.

HOW IS SHE? "Phenomenal."

For more info, contact Doc [chemers@] or Dr. Michele DiPietro [dipietro@].
But you know what? Just go and see this lecture from one of the bravest playwrights out there.

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