CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Brave New World of MySpace and Facebook

Inside Higher Ed: "College students are flocking to social networking sites on the Internet in stunning numbers, often unaware of the potential dangers that can arise there. These dangers primarily arise from posting personal information online that can be viewed by criminals, potential employers, and school administrators, which can result in identity theft, loss of job opportunities, and violations of school rules. Campus administrators should inform their students about the potential dangers of using social networking Web sites — but they should be cautious not to do so in ways that could make them liable if the students engage in illegal behavior."


Anonymous said...

This proves just how stupid some people are. I really hoped that most people had learned their lessons about most of these dangers back when personal websites first became a big deal. But apparently, I just put too much trust behind people in general.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing that people still don't use their privacy settings on these kinds of websites by making things private. I remember a long time ago I was "googling" myself and saw the stuff that myspace would put online and was so glad that I didn't have my actual information like location and such on that site.

Anonymous said...

I remember when you did that travis. I think the first time I went and made all my stuff private was when my dad's secretary found my myspace and showed it to him. wtf? who does that? anyway. now everything is protected.... people who don't take measures to protect themselves from people are absolute idiots, especially since ALL the information is out there now.

Ryan said...

Information flows so freely at this point that you just have to be really careful. Identity theft is preventable if you're smart about it. The problem is people who can't understand that they really really need to not put everything they know about themselves where other people can see it.