CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 23, 2007

Can You Be TOO Organized? "People hear that I am a Professional Organizer and they read some of my writing, and they often assume that my home and office must be “perfect.” Let me assure you, with two kids, two parakeets, a dog, a husband, and two companies, it is far from perfect—but my life works for me. And I would not want to aspire to perfection, as it is an unattainable and futile goal."


Anonymous said...

This is a really interesting article. I have heard teachers in the past say that you can never be too organized, and I this has so really great points the people should be aware of. The whole concept of ROI makes a lot of sense, and I am sure this article could be helpful to many.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree that people can be too organized. People are so quick to blame those who are far from organized when it might actually be them with the problem. I know personally, I am a very cluttered person, a packrat really. However I usually know which pile the paper I am looking for is in, and I almost always can locate it. I think as long as you have a system that works for you, that is what is important and effective.

CDB said...

I have noticed that there are some people who claim to be really organized, and from the outside they seem to be right, but then you get a peak into how their life, and cabinets, and drawers really look and it's is all a show. Which maybe helps them in regards to getting a job or something, being able to present this really organized person on the surface, but they are then hurthing themselves when they are a total mess undernieth.

Ryan said...

I really love this, because i've always been about being organised, TO ME. If everyone else can't tell what my deal is then thats totally fine but I know what's going on.