CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 20, 2015

Protests at Maroon 5 Concert in Atlanta Highlight Live Nation's Low Wages Paid to Stagehands

Buzz : Music Times: The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees will be protesting outside of a Maroon 5 concert in Atlanta on February 19, alleging that Live Nation mistreats stagehands operating in the Georgia capital. The group is labeling the behavior of the concert promoter in the city as a "bad performance." You can see the organization's letter of complaint at Digital Music News.


Unknown said...

Crew One and the Union need to get their payments straight. It should be predictable that tech hands in the union, anywhere, should be receiving the payment that they earned because of their hard work and membership with the union. i feel like once someone is part of a particular group, they should be treated like everyone else in the group, unless they have had a promotion and depending on their role in the company. These memberships should not exist if the payments aren't being made to those that deserve. If this is how it's working, then anyone that is hired for the job (union or not) should get the payment they deserve, instead of just hiring union members and then not pay them what they should be receiving. These memberships have a purpose in the world and the gov. or who ever else needs to stop messing with that.

Nikʞi Baltzer said...

It is everyone's right to be able to form a union if they organize and show they want to. The fact that the company is refusing to negotiate is despicable. With the enact of Obama care it is every working citizen's right in America to have the benefits health insurance affords a person. As much as I love Maroon 5 and believe protest show be kept separate from a person's experience of a concert that they are going to have fun, this is a necessary cause. This is on the same level of company disgrace as out sourcing. People who take advantage of areas of the world where human rights are not of the same level of equality is distasteful. The fact they they are doing this shady business just so they don't have to pay as much is truly the saddest fact. I hope the government can get involved with a law suit and straighten out this mess so that everyone who works their hardest in the entertainment industry gets what they deserve.