CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

­­­­­­­Acting “As if” – Role Play Simulations in High Stakes Police Encounters­­­­­­­

­­­­­­­WIT journal: I once served as the General Manager of the Italian branch of a multinational financial services firm. I held the job for about five hours. The brevity of my tenure had nothing to do with my performance. It also had everything to do with it. Because I wasn’t a manager at all. I just played one in a board room.


Monica Tran said...

Do you know how method acting is considered a poor choice in style because it can get too intense and they might break down just a teeny tiny bit? Doesn't this kind of feel similar, but not really, to that. Like this is people who are using their performance skills to help reenact scenarios so they can train themselves to interact with people better. That's so close to each other they may as well be kissing. They put themselves in mentally taxing places and do this to help police departments deal with high risk encounters and how they should respond to other HR issues within their own team. See this is just crazy how is it that people think our job or whatever theatre is, isn't important. But also imagine having to put yourself in scenarios of sexual harassment or mental breakdown as a job. That would kind of suck.

Gabby Harper said...

I think it’s important that this type of training is happening, especially with a police force. I’m also glad that they are utilizing someone like Anne Stockton who is both and actor and a psychiatrist to help create these training scenarios. I can’t imagine doing these scenarios over and over again. I have a friend who does this kind of work but with a medical school, and I’ve heard stories on how taxing some of the scenarios can be. But to have to constantly do high stakes scenarios, that’s a lot. I also think it’s pretty incredible how much actors are used in order to train people who are considered essential workers, and help them find their humanity in the work they do. Yet the arts tend to be looked down, despite the fact that without actors there’s a good chance that there would be less human relations training in these professions.